Thanks for playing the Daytona USA Deluxe demo! Purchase the FULL VERSION of this game from your nearest participating retail store and enjoy the following features : · 6 high-resolution courses, including an all new PC original track. · 8-player network play over TCP-IP, IPX, Modem and Serial-Link. · Chat feature allows you to talk to your opponents. · Choose from 8 stock cars, each with different handling. · Tune your car for precision control with variable acceleration, braking and suspension options. · 4 modes of play including 2-player split-screen racing action. · Featuring 4 amazingly realistic driving perspectives and famous end-over-end crashes. · Play with a force-feedback joystick to feel the impact of every wall-bounce and bumper-kiss. · Customized performance on your PC. Choose from: · Multiple resolutions · Multiple color depths · User-friendly PC interface We invite you to stop by our web-site (Home Page URL: to check out other Sega PC demos, product information,and contests. You can also find our entire PC product line at any participating software retail store. Again, thanks for playing! Your friends at Sega Entertainment.